Power and Politics - I am Not the Yellow Peril

The life and times of an Asian American activist who tells all the truth (and dishes news and analysis) but with a leftwards slant.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Allen apology poll-tested?

I have guests in town and lots of errands to run.

Damn. I thought the Monkey story was dead, but Hotline says otherwise. In a shocker, Allen's apology was motivated instead by declining poll numbers as opposed to any true regret.

Here's what the poller asked:

A NoVa voter reports receiving a telephone survey asking pointed questions about the nature and scope of Allen's apology.

The dial room in question, according to the caller, was "Central Research."

Allen's campaign won't discuss its polling; the Virginia GOP disclaims any knowledge; the NRSC says it hasn't done a poll, either. And Webb's campaign has no idea, either.

The first portion (after asking about general favorability and initial ballot) was about Allen; the surveyist asked:

1) Have you seen/read/heard the Macaca comment?

2) Do you consider the comment racist?

3) Have you seen/read that Allen had apologized?

4) Should Allen say he is running for president while he’s running for senate or should he not comment on any 2008 presidential aspirations at this time?

The second portion tested attacks on Webb.
Hmmm . . . dirty tricks. That couldn't be Dick Wadhams, could it? It doesn't seem to fit his dastardly profile. . . or could it?


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